Mirror Design

We are here to help you and your company reflect who you really are.



We get to do what we love....

What's better than that?

Mirror Design Creative was started by Michelle Hokanson in 2010.

Michelle has been working as a Graphic Designer for over 18 years. She has an Associates of Applied Science in Desktop Publishing & Web Design at Snow College and a Bachelors of Arts in Business Systems Technologies with a Minor in Visual Communications from Weber State University in Utah. She has worked for a variety of companies including Calendar Systems, Weber State University Student Government, S3 Entertainment,
SA International, Ogden Blue, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as well as many other companies as a freelance designer producing a variety of print and digital media.


"I love working with clients to create a look and feel for their company that truly reflects what their company is all about. That is why why we are called Mirror Design!   ~ Michelle

Website by Mirror Design